Versión 2.1 por Administrator el 2024/06/05 19:09

Ocultar los últimos autores
Administrator 2.1 1 {{velocity output="false"}}
3 #set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put(1.0, 'XWiki Syntax 1.0'))
4 #set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put(2.0, 'XWiki Syntax 2.0'))
5 #set($void = $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.put(2.1, 'XWiki Syntax 2.1'))
7 #if ($request.xaction == 'switchContext')
8 $response.sendRedirect($
9 #stop
10 #end
12 #set ($crtCategoryId = "$!{request.category}")
13 #if ($crtCategoryId != '')
14 #set ($crtCategoryId = $mathtool.toInteger($crtCategoryId))
15 #end
16 #set ($crtSectionId = "$!{request.section}")
17 #set ($crtSyntaxVer = $mathtool.toDouble($request.syntax))
18 #if ($crtSyntaxVer && $SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.containsKey($crtSyntaxVer))
19 #set ($crtSyntaxVer = $mathtool.toDouble($crtSyntaxVer))
21 #else
22 #set ($crtSyntaxVer = 2.1) ## Default to Syntax 2.1
23 #end
25 #set ($extraParamList = [])
26 #if ($request.language)
27 #set ($discard = $extraParamList.add("language=$escapetool.url($request.language)"))
28 #end
29 #if ($request.xpage)
30 #set ($discard = $extraParamList.add("xpage=$escapetool.url($request.xpage)"))
31 #end
32 #if ($extraParamList.isEmpty())
33 #set ($extraParams = '')
34 #else
35 #set ($extraParams = '&'+$stringtool.join($extraParamList,'&'))
36 #end
38 ##
39 ## Syntax menu map
40 ##
41 #set($syntaxMenu = [])
42 #set($catCount = -1)
43 #set($catName = "")
44 #set($catChildren = [])
45 #set($results = $services.query.xwql('from doc.object(XWiki.XWikiSyntaxClass) as syntax order by syntax.category, syntax.section').addFilter('currentlanguage').addFilter('unique').execute())
47 #if($results.empty)
48 No syntax sections found!
49 #else
50 #foreach ($item in $results)
51 #set($sectionDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
52 #set($obj = $sectionDoc.getObject("XWiki.XWikiSyntaxClass"))
54 ## detect if we entered a new category
55 #if($catCount < $obj.getProperty("category").value))
56 ## Put previous category into map (if existing), and reset children map
57 #if($catId)
58 #set($cat = { 'id' : $catId, 'name' : $catName, 'children' : $catChildren })
59 $syntaxMenu.add($cat)
60 #set($catChildren = [])
61 #end
62 ## extract new catId and catName values, and sectionTitle as we are already traveling the DOM
63 #foreach($headerBlock in $sectionDoc.getDocument().getXDOM().getBlocks('class:HeaderBlock', 'DESCENDANT'))
64 #if($headerBlock.getLevel().getAsInt() == 1)
65 #set($catId = $headerBlock.getId().substring(1))
66 #set($catName = $services.rendering.render($headerBlock, 'plain/1.0'))
67 #elseif($headerBlock.getLevel().getAsInt() == 2)
68 #set($sectionTitle = $services.rendering.render($headerBlock, 'plain/1.0'))
69 #break
70 #end
71 #end
72 #foreach($headerBlock in $sectionDoc.getTranslatedDocument().getDocument().getXDOM().getBlocks('class:HeaderBlock', 'DESCENDANT'))
73 #if($headerBlock.getLevel().getAsInt() == 1)
74 #set($catName = $services.rendering.render($headerBlock, 'plain/1.0'))
75 #elseif($headerBlock.getLevel().getAsInt() == 2)
76 #set($sectionTitle = $services.rendering.render($headerBlock, 'plain/1.0'))
77 #break ## otherwise finds nested example headlines
78 #end
79 #end
80 #set($catCount = $obj.getProperty("category").value)
81 #else
82 ## still in same category, only need new section title
83 #foreach($headerBlock in $sectionDoc.getTranslatedDocument().getDocument().getXDOM().getBlocks('class:HeaderBlock', 'DESCENDANT'))
84 #if($headerBlock.getLevel().getAsInt() == 2)
85 #set($sectionTitle = $services.rendering.render($headerBlock, 'plain/1.0'))
86 #break
87 #end
88 #end
89 #end
91 ## Add new sections to category children map
92 #set($child = {'id' : $sectionDoc.getName().substring(11), 'minSyntax' : $obj.getProperty("minSyntaxVersion").value, 'maxSyntax' : $obj.getProperty("maxSyntaxVersion").value, 'name' : $sectionTitle})
93 $catChildren.add($child)
94 #end
95 #end
96 #set($cat = { 'id' : $catId, 'name' : $catName, 'children' : $catChildren })
97 $syntaxMenu.add($cat)
100 ##
101 ## Filter only the sections that are valid for a Syntax
102 ##
103 #set ($categoriesToRemove = [])
104 #foreach ($category in $syntaxMenu)
105 #set ($sectionsToRemove = [])
106 #foreach ($section on $category.children)
107 #if ($section.minSyntax > $crtSyntaxVer)
108 #set ($discard = $sectionsToRemove.add($section))
109 #if ($ == $crtSectionId)
110 #set ($crtSectionId = '') ## clear section if it doesn't exist (can happen when switching from 2.0 to 2.1 syntax)
111 #end
112 #end
113 #end
114 #set ($discard = $category.children.removeAll($sectionsToRemove))
115 #if ($category.children.size() == 0)
116 #set ($discard = $categoriesToRemove.add($category))
117 #end
118 #end
119 #set ($discard = $syntaxMenu.removeAll($categoriesToRemove))
120 #if ("$!crtCategoryId" != '' && $crtCategoryId >= $syntaxMenu.size())
121 #set ($crtCategoryId = '')
122 #end
124 #if ($crtSectionId != '')
125 #set ($crtItemId = $crtSectionId)
126 #elseif ($crtCategoryId != '')
127 #set ($crtItemId = $syntaxMenu.get($crtCategoryId).id)
128 #end
129 #set ($crtSection = $util.null)
130 #set ($crtCategory = $util.null)
133 ##
134 ## Prepare the Syntax menu map for processing
135 ##
136 #foreach ($category in $syntaxMenu)
137 ## "Standard" URLs and icons for categories
138 #set ($category.url = "?syntax=$escapetool.url(${crtSyntaxVer})&category=${mathtool.sub($velocityCount, 1)}${extraParams}")
139 #set ($category.cssClass = "${}Icon")
140 #if ("$!{crtCategoryId}" != '' && $velocityCount == $mathtool.add($crtCategoryId, 1))
141 #set ($crtCategory = $category)
142 #end
143 ##
144 ## Process each syntax section
145 #foreach ($section in $category.children)
146 #if ($xwiki.exists("XWiki.XWikiSyntax${}"))
147 #if ($crtSectionId == $
148 #set ($crtSection = $section)
149 #set ($crtCategory = $category)
150 #end
151 #set ($section.url = "?syntax=$escapetool.url(${crtSyntaxVer})&section=$escapetool.url(${})${extraParams}")
152 #end
153 #end
154 #end
156 #**
157 * Displays the sections from a syntax category
158 *
159 * Expected format:
160 * sections = vector of items
161 * item = map with the following fields:
162 * 'id' : mandatory
163 * 'name' : the text displayed for the corresponding menu item;
164 * optional, defaults to
165 * $services.localization.render("$!{translationPrefix}${}")
166 *
167 * @param $sections the sections list, in the format described above
168 * @param $translationPrefix the translation prefix added to the id of each
169 * item, in order to generate the name and description; ignored when
170 * name or description are specified
171 * @param $heading the heading syntax
172 *#
173 #macro(syntax_displayCategory $sections $translationPrefix $heading)
174 #foreach ($section in $sections)
175 #set ($displayVersion = $crtSyntaxVer)
176 #if ($crtSyntaxVer > $section.maxSyntax)
177 #set ($displayVersion = $section.maxSyntax)
178 #end
179 (% class="sectionheader" %)
180 $heading $ $heading
182 {{include reference="XWiki.XWikiSyntax${}" section="H${displayVersion}${}"/}}
183 #end
184 #end
187 #**
188 * Displays the syntax categories
189 *
190 * Expected format:
191 * sections = vector of items
192 * item = map with the following fields:
193 * 'id' : mandatory
194 * 'name' : the text displayed for the corresponding menu item;
195 * optional, defaults to
196 * $services.localization.render("$!{translationPrefix}${}")
197 *
198 * @param $sections the sections list, in the format described above
199 * @param $translationPrefix the translation prefix added to the id of each
200 * item, in order to generate the name and description; ignored when
201 * name or description are specified
202 *#
203 #macro(syntax_displayCategories $syntaxMenu $translationPrefix)
204 #set ($subHeading = '====')
205 #foreach ($category in $syntaxMenu)
206 == $ ==
208 #syntax_displayCategory($category.children 'syntax.' '===')
209 #end
210 #end
212 #**
213 * Displays the drop down allowing to switch the syntax.
214 *#
215 #macro (syntaxSwitch)
216 #set ($crtSelection = "")
217 #if ("$!{crtCategoryId}" != '')
218 #set ($crtSelection = "category=$escapetool.url($!{crtCategoryId})")
219 #elseif ($crtSectionId != '')
220 #set ($crtSelection = "section=$escapetool.url($!{crtSectionId})")
221 #end
222 #if ($crtSelection != "")
223 #set ($crtSelection = "${crtSelection}${extraParams}")
224 #else
225 #set ($crtSelection = "$extraParams")
226 #end
227 {{html}}
228 <form id="change-context" class="xformInline" action="">
229 <div>
230 <input type="hidden" name="xaction" value="switchContext" />
231 #if ($request.language)
232 <input type="hidden" name="language" value="$escapetool.xml($request.language)" />
233 #end
234 #if ($request.xpage)
235 <input type="hidden" name="xpage" value="$escapetool.xml($request.xpage)" />
236 #end
237 <select id="goto-select" name="target" title="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render("help.changesyntax"))">
238 <optgroup label="$services.localization.render('help.choose_syntax')">
239 #set ($query = "syntax=1.0&${crtSelection}")
240 <option value="$doc.getURL('view', $query)" #if($crtSyntaxVer==1.0)selected="selected"#end>$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get(1.0)</option>
241 #set ($query = "syntax=2.0&${crtSelection}")
242 <option value="$doc.getURL('view', $query)" #if($crtSyntaxVer==2.0)selected="selected"#end>$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get(2.0)</option>
243 #set ($query = "syntax=2.1&${crtSelection}")
244 <option value="$doc.getURL('view', $query)" #if($crtSyntaxVer==2.1)selected="selected"#end>$SUPPORTED_SYNTAXES.get(2.1)</option>
245 </optgroup>
246 </select>
247 <span class="buttonwrapper"><input type="submit" value="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('admin.switchContext'))" class="button" /></span>
248 </div>
249 </form>
250 {{/html}}
251 #end
252 {{/velocity}}
254 {{velocity}}
255 ##**************************************************************************************************
256 ## From the Administration Sheet, used to display a common UI for some wiki features
257 ## here used to display all categories / sections of the syntax guide
258 ##**************************************************************************************************
259 $xwiki.get('jsx').use($doc.getFullName())##
260 $xwiki.get('ssx').use($doc.getFullName())##
261 #if ($crtSectionId != '')
262 #set ($sectionName = ${})
263 #elseif ($crtCategoryId != '')
264 #set ($sectionName = ${})
265 #else
266 #set ($sectionName = $services.localization.render("help.syntaxall"))
267 #end
268 #set ($syntaxTitle = $services.localization.render("help.syntaxtitle", ["${crtSyntaxVer}"]))
269 #syntaxSwitch()
270 (((
271 #set ($query = "syntax=$escapetool.url(${crtSyntaxVer})${extraParams}")
272 #if ($crtCategory){{html}}<a href="${doc.getURL('view', ${query})}">$syntaxTitle</a>{{/html}}#{else}(% class="current" %)$syntaxTitle#{end}#if ($crtCategory) (% class="separator" %)» #if ($crtSection){{html}}<a href="${crtCategory.url}">${}</a>{{/html}}#{else}(% class="current" %)${}#{end}#if ($crtSection) (% class="separator" %)» (% class="current" %)${}#end#end
273 )))
274 == $syntaxTitle: $sectionName ==
276 #verticalNavigation($syntaxMenu {'translationPrefix' : 'syntax.', 'crtItemId' : "$!crtItemId", 'cssClass' : 'syntax-menu'})
277 ##-----------------------------------------
278 ## syntax-page display
279 ##-----------------------------------------
280 (% id="syntax-page-content" %)(((
281 #if(!$crtSection && !$crtCategory)
282 #syntax_displayCategories($syntaxMenu 'syntax.')
283 #elseif (!$crtSection)
284 #set ($subHeading = '===')
285 #syntax_displayCategory($crtCategory.children 'syntax.' '==')
286 #else
287 #set ($displayVersion = $crtSyntaxVer)
288 #if ($crtSyntaxVer > $crtSection.maxSyntax)
289 #set ($displayVersion = $crtSection.maxSyntax)
290 #end
291 #set ($subHeading = '==')
292 {{include reference="XWiki.XWikiSyntax${}" section="H${displayVersion}${}"/}}
293 #end
294 ))) ## syntax-page-content
295 {{/velocity}}